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06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life

This is part of the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

Curuaúna: on one side, soy. And on the other? Also soy

Poison oozesthe vast soy fields towards the quilombos and the waters of the Maicá River.

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

A face printed on a T-shirt

Chico Mendes, Marielle Franco, Dorothy Stang, Berta Cáceres, among others were in T-shirt

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

The motorcycle night

there’s no easy sleep in the corners of Brazil for those who dare to defend the rights of small farmers and rural workers

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

If well organized, everyone fights

This is the last part in the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”

11/21/2019  •  Land Conflicts +

Amazon peoples’ resistance will be shown in film at International Institute of Social Studies, in Netherlands

The documentary entitled Tapajó’s Life portrays how riverside and quilombola communities have organized themselves to against mega projects

09/19/2019  •  Land Conflicts +

While Brazilian Amazon burns, Supreme Court ruling keeps 57,000 hectares of forest unprotected

Justices of the highest court in Brazilian judiciary system maintain ruling authorizing reduction of seven protection areas in the Amazon

07/31/2017  •  Land Conflicts +

Pau D’Arco Massacre: federal investigation may stop in midstream

The investigation of the Pau D’Arco Massacre may stop in midstream if the Federal Government does not keep the Federal Police team in charge of the investigation at the site. Following the repercussion over the killing of 10 rural workers on May...

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