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Brazil’s biodiversity is being poisoned

Brazil, one of the planet’s most biodiverse countries, is being systematically poisoned by agribusiness which every year dumps around onde billion litres/tonnes of pesticide in the country’s environment.

The consequences for human health and the environment are terrifying. Studies conducted by independent scientists relate increased incidence of cancer, allergies, poisoning, cases of depression and suicide and malformed foetuses to exposure to and consumption of pesticides.

Moreover, a variety of other studies indicate the harmful effects of the use of pesticides on the environment, such as contaminated water and loss of aquatic biodiversity, the extinction of some species of bees and so forth.

>> Check it Brazil’s biodiversity is being poisoned


Título: Biodiversidade brasileira envenenada

Organização: Rafaela Lima e Franciele Petry Schramm

Colaboração: Cristine Rodrigues

Ilustração: Ana Luisa Dibiasi 

Curitiba: Terra de Direitos, 2016. p. 6

Ações: Biodiversidade e Soberania Alimentar
Eixos: Biodiversidade e soberania alimentar