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09/19/2019  •  Megaproject Impacts +

While Brazilian Amazon burns, Supreme Court ruling keeps 57,000 hectares of forest unprotected

Justices of the highest court in Brazilian judiciary system maintain ruling authorizing reduction of seven protection areas in the Amazon

10/17/2017  •  Megaproject Impacts +

Brazilian Supreme Court judges the reduction of protection areasAmazonia

The Supreme Federal Court, the highest court of law in Brazilian judicial branch, will decide if a provisional measure (equivalent of an executive order) about preserved areas in Amazon is in accordance with the Constitution.

10/05/2017  •  Megaproject Impacts +

The Guardian | Brazil's mega hydro plan foreshadows China's growing impact on the Amazon

The government wants to open up the Tapajós basin – an area the size of France – for trade with China. But the indigenous Munduruku won’t let it happen without a fight

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