Terra de Direitos in the media

06/10/2020  •  Business and Human Rights Violations +

Thomson Reuters | Indigenous leaders fear Amazon soy port could be conduit for COVID-19

A grain export terminal that draws long lines of truckers each day is raising risks, say Amazon communities who oppose its expansion

10/03/2017  •  Land Conflicts +

Mongabay | Amazon community on Tapajós River invaded by wildcat miners

a group of wildcat miners, known in Brazil as garimpeiros, invaded a small community of riverside peasant farmers and traditional fishermen, known as beiradeiros, living beside the Tapajós River in Pará state in the Amazon.

11/18/2014  •  Direito à Cidade +

Aljazeera | Protests gather against FIFA exclusion zones

In Rio's centre, dozens of people gathered in front of a large TV projection of the Brazil-Serbia friendly football game.

07/01/2014  •  Direito à Cidade +

Protests gather against FIFA exclusion zones

In Rio's centre, dozens of people gathered in front of a large TV projection of the Brazil-Serbia friendly football game.

06/27/2014  •  Megaproject Impacts +

Brazil police in spotlight as World Cup looms

Military police say violent protests are the biggest threat during the World Cup [Elizabeth Gorman

02/25/2014  •  Impactos de Megaproyetos +

Democracy and World Cup 2014: Brazil’s State of Emergency

n December 20, 2013, Brazil’s Defense Ministry published a manual entitled “How to Guarantee Law and Order.”

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